
$158.00 - $535.00
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a 12' runabout

BINGO! You're a winner in this classy runabout where the driver is it! And why not? You sit in a luxurious "throne" slightly forward of passengers for a clear view over the long, lean cowl-deck. And you're in command of a sleek, fast, crowd-appealing runabout. The sweeping deck lines with rounded cowl-like foredeck and raised, arced, aft deck impresses viewers that this boat is something special... and it is! The 12 degree vee bottom cushions the ride, while built-in spray deflector/lift strakes stabilize and provide a level, dry ride. The BINGO provides performance, and is a joy to see and be in.

BINGO is built by the GLEN-L, FAST-G, Stitch and Glue building method for simplicity and light weight. Constructed from standard 1/4" x 4' x 8' plywood, with patterns provided for almost every contoured part-it's hard to go wrong. Transfer the pattern contours to the wood, cut out, Fold And Stitch, Then Glue (FAST-G), and BINGO!, the boat is formed. An excellent first boatbuilding project for almost anyone.

COMPLETE PLANS include FULL SIZE PATTERNS (more than 25) for side/bottom planking, butt blocks, aft side, aft bottom, breasthook, bow piece, transom knee, 5 deck beams, side decking, aft deck, and half section patterns for foredeck, transom, and form, dashboard, and 5 different patterns for seat assembly. Also included are large-scale drawings, instructions, Bill ofMaterials, Fastening and Laminate Schedule, GLEN-L STITCH-N-GLUE manual, and BINGO pictorial with more than 30 captioned photos of building the prototype.

Length overall:
Hull depth:
Average passengers:
Hull weight (approx.)::
240 lbs.
Hull type:
FAST-G Stitch and glue construction with sheet plywood developed to assemble flat and fold to form a 12o vee bottom with built-in chine lift strakes and spray deflector.
Long shaft outboard motor to 40 hp. (Short shaft optional).
Can the hull be extended or shortened?:
No. We also do not recommend increasing the beam.
Designed for use with Glen-L Series 1000 boat trailer plans.